I don't understand my hudband

Our ttc journey began 2 years ago.... We took out my IUD and said whatever happens, happens. I conceived 2021 and it sadly ended it a miscarriage. We have been trying ever since... My husband gets in these moods where he would rather jerk off and it is so annoying. Or if there is something going on that excites him for example he will get all hyper and not want to have sex. It's annoying coming onto someone all the time and even being rejected. We went as far as doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> this cycle and the doctor said to BD the day of, day after and day after.... It's day 3 post <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> (which was very costly) and still no sex. Last night he apparently over ate and had stomach issues.....I don't understand why having sex with my husband is the hardest part of ttc....

Doctor appointment after doctor appointment. Bloodwork after bloodwork. Hormone drugs, injections, ovulation drugs.... All for what? I feel so disappointed. I'm ready to give up.