What do you think?

So I need some opinions on this.. I been talking to this guy for about a month he’s a little far from me so we texted mostly and had plans to meet this month he came off really chill and felt like he got me and we were both on the same page . Well yesterday we both agreed we weren’t keeping our options open and that he wasn’t playing games and I was the only one he cared about right so then why I go to delete tinder and he updated his bio and pictures? I’m like clearly you’re keeping your options open which is fine had he not lied to me . He also lied and said he had been single for a year and a half and was healing when in fact I found out he just got out of a long term relationship a month ago so I’m like why lie? So this morning I was going back and forth with myself about cutting him off but I really liked talking to him so I thought I could just let it go well he FaceTime me while he’s at a football game saying he’s been drinking since 10 and that he was having fun and I was like oh that’s fun! It was quick and after he said I was acting nervous which I was.. being that we’ve never FaceTime only texted. So then he goes on to say “you definitely owe me a booty pic now idc!” And I was like haha what? And he was like “yeah I said what I said” and I’m thinking well maybe he’s joking? No he continues to say “I deserve some pics lol” like wtf? So I start to get upset and I’m like well idk about some but maybe just one? And he literally said “boooo! After that FaceTime lol woooow” and I got annoyed and told him if the ft was that bad then next time he should call someone else and he was like “haha yeah it was pretty bad” and then said “woah??? Ummm okay?..” like hello are you dumb? I felt like he was forcing me to do it because I was SHY?! What do you guys think?