Any advice ?

I’ve been dealing with a girl for almost two months & I was an open book to her about everything & im always honest… let’s just say I cared so much about her that she was supposed to spend time with me , but decided to go spend time with her wife instead (I NEVER KNEW ABOUT HER WIFE ! SHE LATER TOLD ME THEY ARE SEPARATED & SHE DOESNT HAVE FEELINGS OR ANYTHING FOR HER) of coming to spend time with me.. I ordered food, had movie chose & even sat waiting for her till 1am… I cried for hours on end because I felt like my time has been fucking wasted completely & she played in my face.. I don’t know how to explain to her I care for her still but I’m not sure if we should even be in the same vicinity of one another or even pursue anything further because of the fact she has a wife she spent time with her wife & clearly doesn’t care for no one but her damn self… any advice on how to tell her & any advice for me ?