What’s wrong with me? Can anyone relate?

I’m 28. Up until recently I’ve had fairly normal heavy periods. My cycle was like 33 days. I would usually get breast tenderness and a chin hair the week before my period and some PMDD.

Recently when I’m ovulating I’ve been having brown discharge, my cycle is 40 days, i feel like I’ve been retaining water and bloating more so than usual and my chin hair comes when I’m ovulating as well. I also have breast pain during ovulation as well. Emotionally I feel like I’m on my period as well. Crying a lot etc.

I’d say this has been a slow buildup in the past year. This has also been the most stressful year in my life with dealing with my mom being diagnosed with a Alzheimer’s, grief, a new job and my husband being out of work. I also suffer from anxiety and depression.

I feel so emotional all the time and like I’m on my period even when I’m not.

Just seeing if anyone knows what’s up?

Thanks in advance