Can I leave my baby to fall asleep on their own?


I’m a FTM to a 6 week old baby and since he has been around 4 weeks old he has been a generally good sleeper. Last night we were going through the witching hour with him and he just wouldn’t seem to settle, we got him changed, took him upstairs and fed him and he eventually fell asleep in my arms. By this time I was exhausted and just praying for him to stay asleep so I popped him in his bed in our room and nipped to the toilet. When I came back he was wide awake staring up at me but wasn’t upset or crying so I went to lie in bed for a minute (expecting him to start crying any moment), then I must have fallen to sleep as the next thing I knew it was morning and he was fast asleep in his bed (his weight is fine so my dr said if he sleeps through there’s no need to wake him for night feeds).

My question is, is it really cruel to leave a 6 week old baby to fall to sleep on their own? He didn’t cry once and had his white noise etc, made a few cooing sounds like babies do but nothing more but I just woke up with this awful feeling of him being really lonely in his bed trying to get to sleep on his own just because I was tired myself so I left him.