Newborn Naps


How do you get your newborn to nap when you have a toddler around? (Other than baby wearing, because my newborn seems to be the only baby who will not go to sleep in a carrier.)

I know she’s getting overtired, but if I leave my toddler in her room so I can try to rock the baby, she screams for me and the baby can’t fall asleep (even with white noise, we can still hear her sister). And if I bring her into the baby’s room she makes so much noise that the baby just cries and cries and won’t sleep.

And it’s not my toddler’s fault, she’s just little herself, so I know I can’t expect her to understand why I’m leaving her by herself or why I’d like her to play quietly. I try to give her quiet activities, books, stickers etc and she just wants me to play with her, so if I’m not giving her my full attention she’s miserable. I know it’s something she’ll have to get used to, but I also need to find a way to get my newborn to sleep NOW. Does anyone have any tips?