Is this normal? Family asking if I’m still breastfeeding and if I got period

I stopped pumping for my baby who will be 9 months old tomorrow right before he turned 8 months. He never fully latched onto my right breast because he has tortocolis in womb and it hurt his neck to be that way so I exclusively pumped for 4 months and my pediatrician said he needed more milk so we supplemented with formula and once he started sleeping through night my husband and I spoke and he said I did so much good work and I should give myself a break so we cut back and by 8 months now he is strictly formula and of course purées.

I got my period back recently since I stopped pumping and my dad is a big health nut and realized I wasn’t bringing my pump around and asked if I’m still breastfeeding as it is better. I fibbed and said only morning and night I pump not during day anymore ( that’s what I was doing before I stopped). I have been fibbing because I didn’t want to hear it and also my sister is 1 year older and doesn’t have a baby. Has a bf of almost 10 years on an off and was upset I was having a baby before her and the year after I got married she kept asking me each month if I got my period making sure basically I wasn’t pregnant so I didn’t want her to know I have my period again because I don’t want to have her question when I’ll have another because her and her bf compare to my husband and I and she tells me how her bf tears up when he saw our Christmas card for example (I know it’s because we have a family Christmas card with a baby and they don’t) etc.

so my dad the other day asked again, and I said no not really pumping anymore… I didn’t want to fib anymore as it has been a few months now, and my mom goes to pediatrician with me sometimes and is a nurse so my pediatrician would ask this month if I still pump and I would say no so… so my mom after my dad asked and I said no, asked if I got my period back and I said yes. I told her please not to tell my sister as what happened before…. She said she won’t. I’m just like is this normal for people to ask? Like is it bad I don’t want my sister in my business and then having her ask way too many questions? Thanks