Friendships Fading? 😭

Kalea🤍 • Boy Mama 🩵 25 🪻

I know we all grow and outgrow people in our lives. But I really don’t know how to feel about this anymore.

I’ve been trying to communicate with a girl who I felt was my bestfriend but our communication has faded so much I don’t know what to think. She’s going through things and I’m trying to be there for her but it’s hard when she literally leaves me on seen.

Like how am I supposed to be there for someone that just doesn’t answer..?

Maybe I shouldn’t take it personal but she has all the time to be on social media and comment on our mutual friends posts but not respond when I try to be there for her?

What would you do?

At this point I feel like there isn’t much of a friendship here if she’s not trying too..

I’m just so bummed .. 😩