So conflicted

I’m 37years old. Have an 18year old and a 2year old.

Been with husband 6years.

Struggled after last child due to the lack of support from husband. Everything fell on my shoulders and I hated how I looked (I gained over 4stone) and how I was doing 98% of everything.

Our sex life disappeared (mainly because I hated it during pregnancy and after baby). He turned to porn and we lost our connection, there were a few occasions where I was ready to kick him out.

Currently back on track, improved our communication issues and slowly rekindled connection (however not where we use to be).

He would like a sibling for our youngest and I up until recently refused out right. However I’m now feeling conflicted. I’m not getting any younger so would need to make a decision sooner rather than later. I always said I wouldn’t raise another child as a lone child however believe I would end up doing everything like last time only this time with a toddler. I sometimes think another child would probably be the end of our relationship.

I’m just starting to get myself together and little one starts nursery soon so hopefully get some time to myself now.

Would I be mad to have another baby now? Would it be better now and just ride it out or just to accept I won’t have any more babies and my son will grow as lone child!

I do like the idea but not sure I would like the reality as much.

Help advice please. Be honest even if it’s brutal