Am i infertile?


I conceived first at age 34 and gave birth to my first daughter at age 35 via c section... At 36 i got pregnant again, whice turned into a missed miscarriage at about 12 weeks.. I had d&c to clear everything, it was a blighted ovum..

Now im stressing too much, its been over an Year now since then.. I been trying to conceive but couldn't.. My periods got shorter and lighter after the loss... And now i get veryyy painful ovulation..

I was just reading online and they say, 12 months of trying but not getting pregnant means infertility.. And after 35, 6 months of trying with no conception is infertility..

Im getting more and more stressed.

Im 37 now and both pregnancies i had were kind of with medication, i got pregnant not on clomid but after quitting clomid.. But this trick isn't working anymore, and clomid has messed up something in me and now i get unbearable pain near ovulation time.. And still no conception... Am i really infertile now😭😭