
My hubs and I have been having issues with his side of the family for years. In the last year we’ve had to cut off some of his family members and the relationship we have with his grandparents is strained because his grandma tried to get involved. She believes family is family no matter what and we should fix it, even if it’s just for the kids because they need family and that by doing this we are teaching them family isn’t important. I distanced myself since it’s being said I’m the problem but his grandmother kept blowing up my phone with calls/voicemails/messages for weeks to work things out. I finally gave in about a month ago when she messaged and asked for a visit with our kids. Hubs and I went to their house to talk about it but soon realized that she was just trying to fix things between us and the other family members that fell out. She didn’t even try to play with the kids.

Our youngest has a birthday coming up and we previously invited his grandparents to our home to celebrate. It’s been three weeks since we went to their house and his grandmother messaged a few nights ago to ask what time to come over and to say that she meant to come visit sooner but “things happen and I couldn’t.”

My hubs and I were talking and it just seemed odd that she would say that unprompted. Like a guilty conscience or something but that’s just making assumptions. Assumptions aside, I just feel like she hasn’t made an effort to come see our kids, despite making an issue of it before, and I’m considering un-inviting them to the party. But we’re obviously under a lot of stress with all of this and I know emotions can get the best at times. My hubs doesn’t seem to care one way or other.

If you have read this far, thank you. Should I continue as planned or AITA? Just looking for some unbiased third party opinions. Honesty welcomed.