Deciding to stop breast feeding


My son is 10 weeks old today. & I am a wreck. It’s been a struggle to breast feed since he was born. He had a tongue tie and lip tie that was revised a week ago. He was not thriving when he was first born and I had to supplement with formula and expressed milk. It has not been easy. I was hoping to be able to finally just give him my boob and him be satisfied and full and that’s not happening. I am sad and mentally exhausted. Things have not improved with nursing and to top it off I have a rash on my right breast that’s causing me not to be able to nurse him on that breast for now. This may not seem like it’s that bad but I am exhausted. And I don’t know what to do. I have spent most the evening crying because I’m afraid our breastfeeding journey is going to have to come to an end. But also crying because I am somewhat over it. He deserves a happy mommy and I am just not that lately.

I am a FTM and when things were really hard in the beginning I told myself I wanted to atleast make it to the 2 month mark for him. Im glad I accomplished that. But I don’t want to stop breast feeding really but then again I do. my mental health is not very good with all this. Any tips or words of encouragement? I was thinking maybe I could give him formula through out the day and then breastfeed for his night feeding but not sure how that would go…. Here’s a pic of my wonderful boy

Thanks in advance