My baby will not sleep through the night


My boy is 6 months old and not once has he slept through the night. He will normally wake up every hour in some way of crying, or whining or tossing and turning. Sometimes he’ll go back to sleep with just a pacifier, but other times, I’ll just have to sleep holding him propped up with pillows all around. Sometimes he’ll go back to sleep after a bottle. Sometimes he squirms due to gas blockage, it seems cause he will fart a lot. There’s always something preventing him from sleeping. And it’s always a cause for me to wake, get up and tend to his needs cause the crying won’t stop and will wake up my husband and daughter.

Even naps sometimes are quick and he’s awoken by his own crying. He can never wake up with a smile like he’s rested. I usually run on about 3-4 hours of sleep every day because of it and I’m a working mom as well with a 4 year old. I need help. What do I do!!

I’m sooo tired. I have my husband but I just hate when he gets mad from being tired, so I don’t ask him to do anything. I’d rather suffer in tiredness than him, I don’t know why. So I let him sleep through the night instead of waking up.