
Jessica • #PCOS#IVF

9dp5dt 7

11dp5dt 13.39

13dp5dt 35.94

15dp5dt 76

17dp5dt 143

21dp5dt 253

24dp5dt 387

27dp5dt 633 *Ultrasound* measuring 4to5wk sac

29dp5dt 805.1 *Ultrasound* measuring 5wk4days sac

Doctor stated we'll be doing blood work ultrasound once a week every week. He also said he doesn't know rn and my due date may change.

37dp5dt 990

44dp5dt 919 Ultrasound showed the same empty sac I'm waiting for further instructions still no bleeding pain or cramping but i sure I'll be stopping medications today.

I was suppose to be 9wk 1day today