Blessed until today


I’ve never had period cramps until today.

So I got my fourth round of depo today, and I’ve been really good with the side effects since being on it. Well today, I started streaking a little bit of fresh blood which turned into an almost collapse at the mall from the back and pelvic pain I was having. Early today my vagina had already been hurting so I chalked it up to a UTI. Around 6:45 (while I have a Turkey in the oven that’ll be done at 7:30) I am in so much pain I can’t even walk. We head on over to urgent care and they say no infection (Turkey is also fine), probably kidney stones, head to the ER. Granted I’ve never had cramps and my last “period” hadn’t been since June. At this time, I have been going back and forth between bright red blood and brown discharge.

So ladies, if you have any tips for these foul “period” cramps, please do not gate keep.