Is my stomach going to rupture?

I am so sorry for asking. I have a quart sized mini crock pot and filled and made kidney beans, and I ate all of it. On top of three slices of pizza, a few crescent rolls, an entire box of cheez it’s, and spaghetti (just the noodles). And half a cup of chocolate chips. And two scrambled eggs. I can’t remember if I ate anything else.

I was so hungry and I guess I spaced out, I’m in my third trimester, and I’ve been really sick the last couple weeks and haven’t ate much of anything, and today I finally felt like eating, and wasn’t paying attention until I did. I never eat like this. Obviously I threw up but it wasn’t much at all. I did have an Ed many years ago, but I haven’t done that since then and I am just having a panic attack.

Now I’m scared my stomach is going to bloat from all the beans because they were only mostly done, and rupture or something or have a stroke. Am I going to be ok? When I was back in my ED it got so bad my gag reflex stopped working so I can’t throw up unless it comes up by itself. Plus I don’t want to hurt the baby by trying. I’m scared. I’m crying. Idk what to do or if I’m just overreacting due to the ED.