Too “extravagant” for Christmas?


I know there’s a huge range of what is “normal” for gift giving holidays, but my husband and I just got into a fight over how “extravagant” I’m making Christmas with all their presents. My kids are almost 4 and 1.5 years old. They really don’t “need” anything, but of course, their interests change as they grow and I spent a lot of time and thought trying to pick out things they will love and use over the next year.

I got them each 3 things (ranging from $5-30 for each present) and one present to share ($17).

No big, flashy gifts. My grandma has been unable to drive so she sent me $200 to buy presents for the girls from her. I got them 5 items each from that $200. But those are from her, not us. I didn’t buy any stocking stuffers or any other “from Santa” presents.

Also, our oldest’s birthday is January 1st, so I have 4 other presents stashed away for that (around $5-$20 each).

Growing up, my parents went all out for Christmas for us so I don’t feel like 3-4 presents per child is extravagant at all. But my husband thinks it’s too much and that we shouldn’t get them anything since our family will spoil them. Still, I wanted them to have a few things from us and I really don’t see why he feels the need to argue about it after everything is purchased and wrapped.

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