*HELP* *Please tell me it will all be okay! moms with babies that have a small age gap!!!


I am currently pregnant with my second son and my 1st son is 9 months old. They will be around 14 months apart when the new baby comes. I bed share with my son. I tried the Ferber method one night with him and I just can not do it. He cried for over an hour and a half. My mommy heart broke. I was crying just as hard as he was, it was traumatic for both of us and I will not be doing it again. (The only reason I was going to try to sleep train is because we will be having another baby soon) I guess what I’m asking is, is there any momma’s with small age gaps and you didn’t sleep train your first to sleep in their own bed and some how when the new baby came everything was okay? If it comes down to it when the new baby comes and my 1st still doesn’t want to sleep in his own bed then dad will probably just sleep with my first born on a floor bed and I will sleep in my bed next to my newborn in his bassinet. I just want someone to tell me it’ll be okay and it’ll all work out. 😭😭😭