Gonna be 3 months pp on the 21st

Bee🐝 • 3 kids 👦🏼👦🏼👶🏻 and 1 angel 👼🏻

This is gonna be short but I just wanna know what could be going on

I believe my period started on the 1st and ended the 3rd I’ve had 2 periods so far (assuming it’s my period) which last 3 days that is normal as I only have a 3 day period anyway

I keep spotting old blood every once in awhile on and off and it hasn’t stopped I get abdominal pains with it and feel faint with it and feel very nauseous as well and get shaky

Is it normal? I did have a pulmonary embolism in October from my pregnancy and have been on blood thinners since and have to be on it for 2-3 more months my doctor said

Can blood thinners cause this or could it be something else I can’t get to a doctor right now as my partner is out of town working with the only vehicle we have until Friday

I’m getting worried about it considering it just happens for a day or 2 and then stops for x amount of time and then comes back