Baby sleep - need advice!

Hey everyone! Long post incoming so please bare with me.

My baby is 9 weeks old.

He’s never been a great sleeper but lately it’s been real bad, as in he’s become overtired and cranky and cries his little soul out for hours. I really need some advice because we end up co sleeping every night and I really need to break the habit, it started because I’m desperate for some sleep but now it’s the only way he sleeps too. Every night we start off with trying to get him in his crib and every night it fails. I’m tired and need rest too, his dad works from 4am onwards and needs his rest, but nothing we have tried has worked. Last night he cried and fussed for six straight hours! I was losing my mind and my patience and got really emotional and stressed. I promised myself I wouldn’t let it reach that point tonight but here I lay with my baby on my tummy wide awake refusing his sleep.

He’s also been refusing his naps but I have more success with those than night time sleep.

Things I’ve tried:

Routine 1:

Bed time 9pm, feed and soothe,

Swaddle, white noise, room temp 19 degrees celsius, enter crib

He then fusses himself awake and begins crying which rapidly becomes hysteric

Routine 2:

Bedtime 8:40pm

Bath at 8pm which lasts 20 minutes using lavender products to relax him

Dry him, dress him, soothe him, feed him, soothe him, swaddle, enter crib

Once again he fusses himself awake and the waterworks start

Routine 3

Same as above with added white noise

Routine 4

Dad takes him to bed instead after I feed him in the living room . Dad will soothe him and swaddle him until he falls asleep, then enters crib. Baby wakes up crying minutes later

Routine 5

Same as above but after a bath instead with added white noise

Tactic 1

Letting him lay in the crib during the day whilst calm to get used to it

Tactic 2

Tried the cry it out method for a few minutes, this isn’t something I’m open to after trying it. He’s still basically a new born and it must be so lonely.

Tactic 3

We tried contact naps during the day (when he actually napped…) which would last 1-2 hours. I then gradually began transferring him to his bouncer after 30 mins and then eventually into his crib. He normally always wakes up 5 mins after being placed in his crib, so eventually I returned to contact napping.

Anything that I can try that I already haven’t would be so greatly appreciated.