Strep throat?

Hello! I’m almost 30 and have never had strep throat lol. My throat started feeling off this morning and it feels like something is in the back of my throat. When I swallow, it feels like I’m swallowing a wad of tissues that’s the best way to describe it lol. There’s also an odd taste when I swallow but I’m not seeing anything white in the back of my throat, it’s just red/ looks inflamed and it’s not painful at all. If you’ve had strep, does this look like it? I’m also 34 weeks pregnant. Nobody around me is sick so I’m not sure how I would have caught it unless it was out in public if I touched something (I haven’t been around anyone who’s been sneezing or coughing) I plan on calling my OB in the morning (I don’t have a primary anymore mine retired) to see what they say and I’ll go from there. Any help is appreciated!