Getting ready!?!? Update

Kenna • 💍Married 10yrs. Cervical cancer survivor🎉. Babygirl 🤱 born 2/27/18. Babyboy born 5/19/20 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦. Baby #3 due April 23’🤰🏼

I think this is officially my fav room in our house. The wall decals turned out so good we added the propellers for a 3D effect and I absolutely love it. But I do think I want to move the arm lamp somewhere else just not sure yet where.

Update: Finally got the furniture into the room. The rug curtains and nightstand next to the chair plus olive tree are all from Amazon and I have to say it’s all very good quality and fairly inexpensive.

Canopy and mobile is from Amazon as well. Crib is PBK Sloan in color acorn.

Ok so I’m 21 weeks and change and this is my 3rd babe. I feel like I’m taking way longer to even start getting ready for this bean. I have a girl and boy already this one is a boy too so I do have a bunch of stuff already. But I want to paint the room still change the curtains put some wall paper in stuff like that and I’m dragging 😂 I did though get a new rug in rocking chair and dresser. Highly recommend the rocking chair its by far the most comfy iv ever had out of the other 2. And it’s automatic recline plus usb for phone charger or whatever.