What do you do for the holidays

I don't know how I feel about holidays anymore. I see how family is angry towards each other demanding respect and authority over people they put forth effort so people respect them like fear but there character is not good and there's emotional abuse and mistreatment and some adult children have this want to make parents proud to feel loved to feel accomplished to have parents treat you well but this love is conditional.

I don't like how all year these people family relative's could care less than to call you to spend time with you to see how you are to encourage you and if you have people who encourage you love you contact you maybe when they can even if that's once a year on a non holidays just a day that they want to hear how you are doing.

There's so much work, school, more work classwork homework housework etc. There's so much stress and things that occupy people minds that they need distraction they need cell phones and apps and tv books they need to get away but what we really ache for is someone who sees us someone who hears us. There's too much judgement in the world and with families they have no idea how they can isolate family members who are different than them. There's family member who think if this family member graduates with a college degree only then will I respect them, if they are married, if they have a house, if they are independent move out of parents house and have there own life have a job, go to school it's this fine print it's this weight like you are a failure if you have nothing. It's the wealthy family members who look down on other family members those who have extra bedroom and have the room and supposed love the family members but don't invite them to stay for one day for Christmas. It doesn't matter if you are wealthy or poor if this is how family treats you it's not good and it's not good to feel like you are rocky fighting alone he at least had his coach and a wife and it's difficult feeling like you are all you have

The wealthy are those who have people who love them unconditionally and have people who treat them well and have people who care about them think about your life and try to be kind even to strangers.