15 weeks anxiety…

Hey all,

I’m 15w 4d and my pregnancy has been really complicated. I have a subchorionic hemorrhage and lots of other stuff going on. Lately I feel less than pregnant and more just chronically ill and worn down. In the beginning I was going into the doctors a lot so there was some relief there knowing weekly they were monitoring the baby. I was supposed to start my bi weekly ultrasounds on Monday with MFM but they had to reschedule and now I’m feeling anxious waiting to see if the baby is ok.

So I was wondering if anyone had some tips to help relieve my anxiety until I’m able to feel baby move and start the regular checks again. I think when you’ve had traumatic losses before it’s hard to fully “enjoy” your pregnancy without thinking the worst is happening. So I’m just struggling. I’m also wondering when you felt your 3rd babies move if you’ve had multiple.
