I’m so confused

Terra • 💍❤️🤞🏽

Okay Family. I’m suuuuper. Confused. So I was diagnosed with endometriosis and me and my husband decided to try for our last baby before having a hysterectomy. Now since that diagnosis my periods have been super heavy and painful. Like consistently. Heavy for the first 3.5 days then normal for the last 3.5. This month we tried our best on trying to conceive I had really mucusy (I know I spelled it wrong lol) discharge yesterday and pink spotting. Today my period would have started which is normally painful coming in and has heavy brown discharge right before the heavy bleeding comes down very soon after. Well today I spotted no pain no nothing. Still pink not a lot of blood either. My doctor said I could ovulated later than I expected and could be going through implantion. I also have faint lines on all my test even the cheapies as of today. He said to call him if the lines get darker. I’m scared to take another test and really don’t wanna get my hopes up. He claims this happened with my last pregnancy in 2020 but I honestly don’t remember 🤣. Like I definitely do remember spotting because I found out I was pregnant 6 days before my period and I remember spotting the following week but can’t remember if that was around period time. I’m so confused. Has anyone else experienced this?? Should I test again?? Help please