My surrogate baby ❤️

Vanessa • Wifey 👰🏻‍♀️, mama 👧🏻👦🏻& surrogate🤰🏻

Due date was 12/16 , I was admitted on 12/15 due to leaking fluids but no contractions at 3cm , got started on pit and doc finished breaking my water things progressed pretty quickly and was ready to deliver by afternoon. 8.3oz @ 2:44pm .

It has been such a beautiful journey helping a family’s dream come true, they are over the moon for their sweet boy. he will forever be in my heart ❤️ Coming home and hugging my 2 little ones was amazing I missed them so much.

Congratulations to all the new moms! 🥳 hope everyone is doing well mentally and physically . And if you are still pregnant, your day will come soon hang in there mama🙌🏼

I know I won’t have a new baby but I’d like to remain in the group for support for my self and for others if needed.💜