3 year old refuses to potty train

My daughter is 3 and she refuses to potty train. She shows every single sign of being ready. Takes her diapers off, asks to be changed, is dry for several hours and after naps, etc. but every time we try the toilet it’s a fit. Yesterday she got up from nap. Had a whole cup of apple juice and her whole water bottle of water. She literally held her pee from 3pm until bedtime because she’s that stubborn and refused to go. She was screaming bloody murder on the toilet. Then when I gave up because it was actually past bedtime, she peed immediately when I put her diaper on.

Then during the day I knew she had to poop. When we’d sit in the toilet I’d hear her push but then she’d want to get off. We came back to the living room. Hadn’t got her underwear back on yet she runs around the corner and poops behind the couch.

I’m at my wits end and about to pull my hair out. Then this morning she squatted like she was pooping so I asked her if we could go to the toilet and try and she started screaming. She fights me on everything I’m about to lose my mind. It’s been days and she’s not once used the toilet.