Long Post, I think I got stuck with a hobosexual 😂

I let my bf move in with me a couple months ago. When he initially moved in we made an agreement that he would pay half of everything, we would split chores, both cook etc. basically we would just split the responsibilities…

Now after a few months I feel like I might have been taken advantage of. He still isn’t on his feet completely. He does pay half the bills but I litany take care of everything else. He doesn’t eat unless I cook, I’m always cleaning and doing laundry, filling up the car with gas and I just feel like I have a child now.

I expressed to him I still feel like I am responsible for more. When he gets money he pays half the rent and just blows it while I’m strategizing getting groceries and stuff for the house.

He says he contributes and the conversation just goes in circles. Now I’m so mad at myself because I’ve invested so much time AND money into someone and I haven’t seen anything in return.

* I also invested in his streaming career over mine because he already has a fan base and promised money would be flowing in. Now he’s on YouTube watching How To videos. Could love have really blinded me into living a bum

Also a hobo sexual is someone who will be with anyone as long as they have somewhere to stay