Vent, talk, interact!


My temp raised a little yesterday (4dpo) to 99.5, I’ve been exhausted since yesterday and my entire torso is sore. Chest, back, abdomen. It hurts to breathe not in a sharp way, but in a truly sore way. I don’t think this is pregnancy related at all with my symptoms and being that it’s so early on, but I’m not necessarily counting it out either.. I’m probably just sick tbh… This is my first cycle trying for baby #2. My first baby took 6 months to conceive so on one hand, I don’t expect this to go much differently but on the other… I hate this part. The tww is so full of anxiety, what if’s and it goes by unbearably slow.

Any and all baby dust, advice, tips, tricks, thoughts and prayers would be appreciated. I forgot how nerve wracking this is😂 I wish all the time that I could just be a part of the “gets pregnant on accident” club, but when you also use fertility awareness as a birth control method, that’s impossible LOL