36 + 4 and no signs of labor, am I missing something ?


Hello all,

First thing, i am so over with being pregnant!! I've got heartburn, restless legs, carpal tunnel, congestions, insomnia, my knees are killing me and I recently started to be sick again !!

To add to this, my baby is apparently measuring big, like off the chart big !! 😳 which is freaking me out right now.

I didn't feel any Braxton hick yet, or had any cramps or mucus plug discharge or anything, but I wonder if I am just missing something ? My pain threshold is usually quite high and I rarely get period cramps ...

Also, did for some of you labor started despite this, out of the blue ??

I just hope that baby could come a bit earlier, or at least not late as I don't want to give birth to a toddler 😫