Red then brown spotting at 12w6d *tmi pics


Hi there!

I have a history of a lot of miscarriages due to an incompetent cervix. I had a surgery for a trans abdominal cerclage just under my uterus to help with the cervix issue. Anyway.. I’m 12w and 6d pregnant. I went to pee last night and when I wiped it looked like this

So I panicked and went to the ER. Ultrasound showed the little bean bouncing around with a heart rate of 163. They didn’t check my cervix. They also did an hcg beta and it was 147xxx But when I got home, the red/pinkish spotting turned into this brown spotting?

It’s somewhat eased up a little today but it feels like pressure in my uterus. If that makes any sense.

^ that’s todays

I have a home doppler and it detected the baby’s heart rate when I checked today. And it’s not showing up on a panty liner. It’s only when I wipe. I’m not sure what to think of this. Has this happened to anyone else? I’m just looking for answers. I don’t have an appt until tomorrow morning with my high risk doctors but my mind is all over the place assuming the worst is going to happen.