Defiant ghost….. please help

People telling me to move or set my house on fire- no. She is a friendly ghost. I know a lot of people would be scared, but if you felt the calming presence she has you would understand now I feel. If someone told me 5 years ago I would have a ghost in my house I would be terrified but once you experience it, it’s actually not a bad thing (unless it’s an evil ghost which she is not)

When I bought my car 4 years ago, it came with a ghost. The ghost stayed in my car, but then once the car broke down the ghost came in my house. This was about two years ago.

The ghost brought a sense of peace in my home. She has never been a scary ghost, or an evil ghost, but she protects my family.

She has never caused us trouble at all, would just open and close drawers and doors and fiddle with the lights. She was always respectful, would never turn lights on if someone was sleeping.

The past few months, she has been acting out. We know she likely was a teenager who passed in her teens in the early 2000s because she is a huge Britney Spears and Beyoncé fan. When she lived in my car, she would take my phone and play them loudly, so part of me things she is still stuck as a teenager and going thru typical defiant teenager things. She is slamming doors very loudly, dumping my kids toys all over the house, setting my alarm off too early. She actually put a hole in the wall from flinging the bedroom door open, the doorknob went into the wall. It’s almost everyday she causes some kind of trouble and it used to be peaceful to live with her, but now not so much. I don’t know why she’s so angry lately. I wish I could understand what she’s feeling and help her.

I don’t want to have a priest or anything come in my home and make her leave. We love the peaceful calm feeling she brings into our home and the kids love her. I know it sounds crazy but she is part of our family. I just don’t know how to make the alarms and slamming doors stop.