Why is it a competition?

So my husband tested positive for COVID Saturday night. He’s spent every day in our basement (it’s like a 1600 apartment). No big deal even though I know it was pointless because my daughter and I were clearly already exposed to him. Yesterday my daughter spiked a temp and he refused to come out of the basement unless I tested her. I didn’t because she’s 2 and that would have been pointless/cruel. Last night I was feeling really rundown, super tired, really achey and had a temp. I tested and sure enough a positive.

So the whole point is, all day long he keeps commenting on how he’s more sick. Okay so you may or may not be. Doesn’t matter. We’re all three sick. He’s just been sore and tired. I’ve been throwing up day and taking care of our child. Because that’s life. He literally just looked at me a minute ago and said “baby girl feels the best, you’re like second and I’m just at the bottom with this thing”. Umm okay? I sympathize but why does it always have to be a competition. People get sick. It sucks no matter what. I’m most concerned about our child and not who’s more sick.