Dear Alex

Yes. I’m gonna use your real name.

I’m sorry I’m so clingy, Alex. I’m sorry I call all the time. I’m sorry I make my crap your problems and that I always want to hang out. Yeah, I liked you for a while, but that’s not what this is anymore. You’re just. You’re honestly the best friend I’ve had in years. You make me feel seen. You make me feel safe.

My friends keep leaving me. My parents are awful. And you know I’ve been single for five years but I don’t know if you know how much it hurts. How lonely I actually am. And I don’t want to date you, honestly. But dear lord does it feel good to have someone listen.

I miss when we used to cuddle. I miss when we used to flirt. I miss when we would hold hands at the movies and joke around like nerds. I miss when you would text me first and we’d talk every day. But I don’t need any of that anymore. I just need you. I need you to be my friend. Call me. Hang out. Send me memes. Give me a hug. Tell me about your day. Listen to me vent about mine.

I love you, Alex. I harass you because I love you. You’re my friend. And I really just don’t want to lose you.

I’ll call you again tomorrow. I really hope you pick up.

