
I am two days late and I’m so confused what “symptoms” I’m having, I’m not getting my normal period cramps before AF, I’m now getting a bunch of tightening.. three days ago my partner & I had intercourse after when I used the restroom I wiped and there was a tiny pinkish, very small. Right after I started getting horrible tightening above my belly button. So according to this app I was, I believe 11/12dpo when this happened. My boobs are not sore just tingly nipples, and they feel heavy. More full. Usually they feel way less heavy even during af.

The only time they felt “heavy” was only once when I was ovulating…

I am so confused and do not know what symptoms these are.

Anyone had similar symptoms, what was your outcome?

I tested this morning and BFN. So I’m just all over the place.

Thank you