Suddenly going ✨viral✨

Hey this is a weird question buuuut. I made a Tiktok a few months ago and recently my videos have decided to go viral and I suddenly have almost 1 million views and like people keep following me by the minute. It’s nothing bad, embarrassing, weird, etc. Just funny videos, educational videos in my field, and some science-y videos. I’m also a writer so I have some writing videos. I’ve always been a wallflower, not used to any attention or focus on me and I’m feeling kind of overwhelmed. I’m happy because this means I will have a platform to promote my new book on! But I also want to go about this in a safe and no-drama sort of way. Does anyone else here have a platform or large following on social media? Can you advise me? Tips/tricks/words of the wise? Thank you! 💚💚💚