BFP but still scared


Almost 2 months ago we went back for our confirmation hCG test and the numbers weren’t doubling the way the should. We were heartbroken and ended up losing the pregnancy. We had a triple embryo transfer and couldn’t believe we lost all of them💔💔💔. We went back in for another round of <a href="">IVF</a> and we’re blessed with 2 beautiful day 5 embryos graded 4AA! We felt so blessed at the time and had them both transferred back on December 10. This whole journey has been an emotional roller coaster and we have been terrified because of our loss. We went in 2 days ago at 14DPO and had an hCG of 61.5 and today at 16DPO it was at 99.1….the tests were done 47 hours apart and even though we’ve been so much research and so far it says that we are still ok we are still terrified. We go back in 2 days to see if the levels double or more this time 🙏 🙏🙏…haven’t had the heart to do any updates up to this point and we pray this time we have a different outcome.