

So long story short my fiancé cheated on me within 24 hours of being on a break, we have been together for 7 years have a 2 year old and one year old twins. Anyways things have been really really rough and I just said we needed a break well he ended up leaving that night and going to a girls house I called him around 2 am because he was supposed to be staying at his moms but he lied and went to her house he would not answer his phone ended up calling me back in the morning and I was Furious, we have been going through him wanting a 3 sum for years nearly distroyed our relationship. Anyways we talked all the next day about where our relationship was going and he said he loved me and we just needed time well that was bullshit because that night he went and had sex with the female who's house he went to, the next day he showed up at my house crying and told me what had happened and that he did in fact cheat on me went into grave detail on how he had sex with her . And now I can't move on I can't get it our of my head and even being around him makes me sick to my stomach I'm trying to hold this family together but I have no idea what to do and if I can ever trust him again..also he told me it was a accident and not planned but went to the gas station before and bought the damn condom.