About glucose testing


So today I am 29 weeks exactly and did my glucose test. My level was 148 and I guess the normal is 140 and below. I was told to eat but I didn’t before hand could that possibly be why I failed? My Ob is willing to do another 1 hour glucose test instead of the 3 hour. Did this happen to anyone else ? I need advice what to eat the night before and morning of my test

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Posted at
148 is high, especially for having fasted prior. There is no trick or rules about what to eat. The purpose isn’t to cheat the test or the system, it’s to see how your body and placenta are handling being able to process blood sugar. Failing doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong, and it is beyond your control either way. It always resolves after having baby. They’ll help you manage it in the meantime. Best of luck!


Posted at
I failed my 1 hour with this baby and my first but passed the 3 hour tests. My body pregnant doesn’t do well that first hour and needs more time for my sugar to go down. I would just take the 3 hour and get it over with as like the others said that was high for fasting. Don’t stress and I wish you the best of luck.


Posted at
Just do the 3 hour! You sugar level doesn’t matter fasting or not unfortunately. However that number is low you’ll probably pass 3 hour


Rachel • Dec 31, 2022
Knew it! Haha That’s awesome!!


Chelsea • Dec 30, 2022
Update : I passed the 3 hour :)


Posted at
I’ve always told to fast before the test except for sips of water. I’ve done plenty of these tests and have always had to fast. With my younger son I had to do 2 1hr tests and then 1 3hr tests because he was on the larger side. My second and third pregnancies I failed the 1hr, but passed the 3hr tests 🤷‍♀️


Posted at
Ahh it sounds like you failed it. Maybe the next test will come out normal, but you could just have gestational diabetes. Its not the biggest deal and is easily managed. There is no way to cheat on this test nor should you for both you and babies safety so if anyone gives you any tricks please ignore them. Just eat as you normally do and you will be fine.


Posted at
I failed my one hour and I’m pretty sure it’s because I had binged fruit juices and fruit the day and week before after I had gotten sick. I was forced to do the three hour, that was not fun, but because I wasn’t eating a bunch of fruit and I ate items low on the glycemic index, I passed my test.  I would definitely say don’t worry about the one hour test. Try to eat low glycemic food the day before and not anything after 8 PM until you get your shots done.  If you’re like me, and generally not hitting up a bunch of fattening and sugary food, there are reasons why your test could spike. Just take the added precautions above and hopefully everything will come out good. 🙏❤️🤞