TW: Misscarriage/TTC afterward

Hi, I miscarried at 17 weeks on October 25th. We’ve been ttc since about a month after the miscarriage and I thought I started my period on the 20th of this month. However, this is a strange period and I’m unsure if it’s implantation bleeding or not.

Color is exactly like they describe implantation bleeding on the internet….Spotted the first day, on the 21st and 22nd bled like a normal period (flow was about at a medium), and this morning I’m back to spotting. My typical flow isn’t like this at all, but I don’t want to get my hopes up.

Has anyone experienced implantation bleeding/anything like what I’m describing and can tell me I’m not crazy?

Edit to add: I have PCOS. My flows are usually very heavy and irregular.