Sketchy black car update

So months ago I posted a sketchy black car that stopped by our mailbox a couple times. I took a pic of the plates. They would just stand there for a few minutes. Anyways I was looking thru camera roll today and found a pic I took of a black car that was at my sister in laws house. That was in June and it was a man talking abt free Wi-Fi. My husband got our the car and told him to go away. Then her husband came home and told him to go away. The car was just parked in their driveway and the man didn’t leave right away. So I snapped a pic of his plates. So today I find that old pic and I pause because I forgot abt it. I went to the pics I took and it’s the SAME plates. Weird thing is this car drove by and stood by our mailbox twice. And just stood there. Could he have ran our plates and found our address like that? We don’t remember the car following us. It’s so sketchy that he doesn’t stop by anyones else house in the neighborhood only ours. I noticed the car once and then another time again a month later. It’s been like a month I haven’t see them but still super sketchy. How do they have the address to our house?