Middle name help

My fiancé likes the first name I picked out and agreed with to it. He likes it too, so yay, but he’s “ehhh” about the middle name I chose. I am absolutely in love with the middle name, it goes great with the first name, but he’s like “the first names good, but idk about the middle” like help me out here lol how do I get him use to it? I’m done looking at names, I found a name I love and he’s only 50% onboard with the name. I’m struggling….

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Posted at
Who’s last name will the baby have?If it’s his last name, tell him he chose the last name so you’ll pick the middle name (since you’ve both agreed on the first name).If baby is having your last name, then might be your fiancé’s turn to pick one and choose the middle name.If you’re hyphenating both last names then sorry I’m no help 😅


Posted at
I mean if you chose the first name maybe let him pick a middle name? With our kids one of us picked the first and the other the middle and it’s worked pretty well, only rule is it has to be a name we both like at the end of the day, I also feel it is important because dad is apart of the baby as well so he should get a bit of a say there :)


Posted at
Maybe just keep using it until he warms up to it? 😂 Idk names are tough. Did he have any ideas that you also liked?