Getting period cramps.. here we go again :(


We have been trying for almost 6 months now, I know it’s not long but I didn’t expect this to be so challenging and upsetting… I hope I can find a way to relax but I can’t help but begin to feel sad when I get the feeling I have come to notice every month and realise my period is due soon.. which are pre period cramps and I have no one else to talk to… It is such a silent journey. I always hope maybe this is implantation cramps… every month I try to convince myself maybe it’s my uterus stretching for a baby.. but my period always comes a few days later. Last month, my period came almost 5 days late with such intense pain I thought maybe this is miscarriage.. and the month before I was three days late and had super bright pink period for the first 12 hours which I have never seen before… are these signs my body is trying to grow a baby? I hope that our miracle will come one day, for me and for everyone going through the ttc journey ❤️