Gonal F & brown spotting


Hi all,

I have been diagnosed with PCOS and have been struggling trying to get pregnant.

I am in my first cycle with gonal f injections and a trigger and then timed intercourse. My last ultrasound on Thursday showed a 16mm follicle so I was asked to another injection that evening and one more on Friday night and then trigger Saturday night, on Friday afternoon though I started to spot a little bit of brown blood. Rang the nurse who said not to worry and to keep following our plan.

Anyone got any thoughts? I panicked that maybe I ovulated earlier naturally, I didn't do any opks as I was getting regular ultrasounds and bloods. However the nurse saw me the day prior to the bloods starting so I'm hoping that would be unlikely as she would of been able to see a surge coming?

Anyone had any brown blood before triggering and all went okay? Just was so hopeful that we could have a little miracle with a bit of help. I followed the plan and am 2dpo now I think.