I am so confused!!!!!


i thought i ovulated on the 20th!??? i had eggwhite discharge and it was only that day i noticed it?? ever since after that i starting having milky white discharge and it will be creamy sometimes like this

is this saying i am ovulating rn?? my period should start in like 4 days because i had it on the second of this month and it ended on the 7th so i should have it again next month on the 2nd which is in like 4 days?? and my period comes right on time i’ve never had irregular periods. (I just took this test) i swear i had egg white on the 20th and slipper mucus type. ever since then after ovulation i started having milky white and creamy but i am dry at times sooo.. HELP!! should i have sex today?? i swear i thought i ovulated already. and no i didn’t test that day i just went off of my discharge. im supposed to start my period in 4 days.