Breastfeeding struggles


My baby is now 12 weeks and we have been struggling with breastfeeding this week, especially today. He will only feed from the breast for about 10-15 seconds then start to cry as if he’s not getting any milk,so I have had to give him expressed milk from the fridge. I have then pumped and got between 3-4oz so the milk is there.

I am trying to add in extra pumping sessions to try and increase my supply incase I need to exclusively bottle feed.

The last few days I have tried supplementing some formula (2-3oz) but yesterday he was bringing a lot of milk back up, like projectile vomiting. It wasn’t bothering him or making him cry it just came out all at once then he would continue playing.

If I can’t get my supply increased I may have to go on to formula but I’m worried it’s bothering his stomach.

Is this normal when introducing formula? What’s the best way to transition onto formula if I need to?