Does this ultrasound look normal for 5w4d


My last ultrasound I was like 4 weeks ( we didn’t know how far along I was so they did an ultrasound ) they didn’t see anything so they suspected ectopic and ran labs. My results showed my HCG was rising by almost 50% which they said was completely normal. I had another ultrasound today and we actually saw a sac which also appears to have something inside of it. The ultrasound tech said from her experience it looks like it could be the baby but it’s too early to say. But with my levels going up, and now us seeing something 9 days later we have high hopes everything is normal. Did anyone else have an ultrasound around 5w4d and it look like this? She said she swore she saw a light flicker like a heartbeat but she can’t really say. I go back in 2 weeks to see again!!!