Should I test?


I lost my phone so my data is limited, but my cycles are usually between 38-40 days long. I just realized my period hasn’t come in awhile so I hopped on the app and it says I’m 7 days late, 11dpo. My breasts are usually sore like the week before my period but they aren’t right now. I have PCOS and have been TTC for about a year. I have taken so many tests to only get a negative that I don’t really wanna make that trip to the store for another one but I’ve been kinda moody and my anxiety has been a little worse recently (such as claustrophobia), my breasts aren’t hurting like usual but my period is late and my stomach feels kind of like I should have a period right now but I don’t. No cramps but general “tightness” or fullness in my lower stomach. What do you think?