My implantation bleed at 13&14 DPO

Emily 🇬🇧

Hey girls! I just wanted to share what my implantation bleed looked like. This was confirmed by my midwife! I always see people on here asking what it looks like so I thought I would share my experience! I got my first positive test at 10DPO and then on 13 and 14DPO I had this pink/brown spotting only when I wiped. It lasted about a day and a half. I’m now 5 weeks +2 and haven’t had any spotting since! It looks super similar to the start of AF, and even though an implantation bleed is rare it can happen. Hopefully it will help some ladies experiencing something similar. Sending tonnes of baby dust to everyone TTC, and wishing you all a wonderful New Year!🎉🥳