4 1/2 weeks PP, concerned


*This ended up being way longer than I intended. There’s so much info here 😅 I just want advice/your experience!

Yes, I know I haven’t even made it to 6 weeks. I had a fairly boring, normal, uncomplicated pregnancy, labor, and delivery. We didn’t even stay in the hospital a full 48 hours because me and baby were both perfectly fine. I didn’t even have to get stitches. No issues postpartum either. I had the normal heavy bleeding for the first 3-5 days (filled up 1 pad every few hours). It tapered off some (changed pad 4-5 times a day total, wasn’t even really filling one up) and that lasted about 2 weeks. I eventually got down to wearing just a pantyliner and changing out every 4-6 hours depending. Most of what I was having last week looked like just brown discharge. As of yesterday, the bleeding has picked back up. It’s bright red and there’s more of it. I’m not using pads at this point, it would definitely be wasteful given the amount, but I am using way more pantyliners than normal. No pain or clots.

Note: I started out EBF the first couple weeks and then moved to pumping to give my poor nipples a break 🫠 My routine has been pumping during the day every time baby eats (every 3-4 hours) and nursing at night (way easier than actually getting up to prepare a bottle, I’m sure he also appreciates the much shorter wait time too 😂). Yesterday and today, I am BF on demand bc my supply just tanked out of no where a few days ago (when pumping, I’d normally get at least 3 ounces from each breast not including letdown from the opposite side. Then a few days ago, I noticed I’d be lucky to get 3 ounces total. The last time I pumped, I got 1-2 ounces from each breast including letdown from opposite side. The very next time he got hungry, he was eating directly from me. I’m not sure what happened with my supply.) Would BF/pumping cause this episode of bleeding I’m having? Is it too early for this to be a period?